The Count


Research News

A randomized controlled trial of hydroxycholorquine shows promise, deposition of the virus on surfaces is high during the first week of hospitalization, but drops rapidly after, and three studies draw conflicting conclusions about the impact of temperature on the spread of the virus..

  • A randomized controlled trial of hydroxychloroquine suggests that the treatment may slow disease progression and speed recovery in patients hospitalized with Covid-19. The study does not appear to have been blinded, but the use of an objective endpoint suggests any lack of blinding was unlikely to explain fully the results.
  • A team from Singapore found SARS-coV-2 virus in 57% of hospital rooms with Covid-19 patients. Levels drop to almost zero after one week in the hospital. 
  • Two papers conclude that warmer summer temperatures will decrease SARS-Cov2 transmission, while a third draws the opposite conclusion. The reasons for this inconsistency are not immediately obvious.

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